Szoros együttműködésben a nemzetközi szervezetekkel: jelenlétünk számít!

A CEPIS és az ICDL Alapítvány üzent.

Társaságunk szoros nemzetközi közössége megköszönte a Neumann Társaság távozó ügyvezetője, Szalay Imre együttműködésben tanúsított odaadó munkáját, mely nagyban segítette a közösséget.

Egyszersmind köszöntötte a február elsején helyébe lépő Képes Gábort a szervezetek kötelékében, sok sikert kívánva munkájához. 

Az alábbiakban szó szerint közöljük az üzeneteket.

Dear Imre,

Thank you for updating us on this important development. I hope you are looking forward to your retirement and either a well-earned rest, or the opportunity to pursue new activities. I want to thank you personally for your engagement and discussions over the past two years about the way forward for ICDL in Hungary and more generally. I have enjoyed working with you and acknowledge your dedication to growing ICDL in Hungary, in challenging market conditions. The switch to automated testing in particular has been a big achievement and I don’t underestimate the effort involved in bringing in such a change. Congratulations to Gabor in his new role. I look forward to working with him and will arrange a call in the near future to introduce myself properly. For now though, thank you again for your contributions and I wish you all the very best for the future.

Kind regards,
Linda Keane
General Manager ICDL Europe


Dear Imre,
I'm sad to hear you no longer be involved in the CEPIS activities. It has been a pleasure to have you as a part of our community. I will always cherish memories of our meetings especially the one in Budapest at the beginning of Covid pandemics.

Dear Gabor,
Congratulations on the new position! All the best in the role. I hope we will keep informed about all the interesting initiatives NJSZT is involved in.

Kind regards,
Jakub Christoph
Secretary General at CEPIS and ITPE


Dear Imre

Jakub has precisely expressed my own position. It was good to see the energy and results of your management at NJSZT. CEPIS will miss your contributions.

Dear Gabor

Congrats. You are truly welcome to CEPIS in your new role. I wish we could hold a fluent communication and collaboration in all types of activities. Please, do not hesitate to contact me or the secretariat whenever you want or need anything.

Kind regards
Dr. Luis Fernández-Sanz
President of CEPIS